Internet Government Solutions



Subpart A—General

§ 26.1   What are the objectives of this part?
§ 26.3   To whom does this part apply?
§ 26.5   What do the terms used in this part mean?
§ 26.7   What discriminatory actions are forbidden?
§ 26.9   How does the Department issue guidance and interpretations under this part?
§ 26.11   What records do recipients keep and report?
§ 26.13   What assurances must recipients and contractors make?
§ 26.15   How can recipients apply for exemptions or waivers?

Subpart B—Administrative Requirements for DBE Programs for Federally-Assisted Contracting

§ 26.21   Who must have a DBE program?
§ 26.23   What is the requirement for a policy statement?
§ 26.25   What is the requirement for a liaison officer?
§ 26.27   What efforts must recipients make concerning DBE financial institutions?
§ 26.29   What prompt payment mechanisms must recipients have?
§ 26.31   What information must you include in your DBE directory?
§ 26.33   What steps must a recipient take to address overconcentration of DBEs in certain types of work?
§ 26.35   What role do business development and mentor-protégé programs have in the DBE program?
§ 26.37   What are a recipient’s responsibilities for monitoring the performance of other program participants?
§ 26.39   Fostering small business participation.

Subpart C—Goals, Good Faith Efforts, and Counting

§ 26.41   What is the role of the statutory 10 percent goal in this program?
§ 26.43   Can recipients use set-asides or quotas as part of this program?
§ 26.45   How do recipients set overall goals?
§ 26.47   Can recipients be penalized for failing to meet overall goals?
§ 26.49   How are overall goals established for transit vehicle manufacturers?
§ 26.51   What means do recipients use to meet overall goals?
§ 26.53   What are the good faith efforts procedures recipients follow in situations where there are contract goals?
§ 26.55   How is DBE participation counted toward goals?

Subpart D—Certification Standards

§ 26.61   How are burdens of proof allocated in the certification process?
§ 26.63   What rules govern group membership determinations?
§ 26.65   What rules govern business size determinations?
§ 26.67   What rules determine social and economic disadvantage?
§ 26.69   What rules govern determinations of ownership?
§ 26.71   What rules govern determinations concerning control?
§ 26.73   What are other rules affecting certification?

Subpart E—Certification Procedures

§ 26.81   What are the requirements for Unified Certification Programs?
§ 26.83   What procedures do recipients follow in making certification decisions?
§ 26.85   Interstate certification.
§ 26.86   What rules govern recipients’ denials of initial requests for certification?
§ 26.87   What procedures does a recipient use to remove a DBE’s eligibility?
§ 26.89   What is the process for certification appeals to the Department of Transportation?
§ 26.91   What actions do recipients take following DOT certification appeal decisions?

Subpart F—Compliance and Enforcement

§ 26.101   What compliance procedures apply to recipients?
§ 26.103   What enforcement actions apply in FHWA and FTA programs?
§ 26.105   What enforcement actions apply in FAA programs?
§ 26.107   What enforcement actions apply to firms participating in the DBE program?
§ 26.109   What are the rules governing information, confidentiality, cooperation, and intimidation or retaliation?
Appendix A to Part 26—Guidance Concerning Good Faith Efforts
Appendix B to Part 26—Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments Form
Appendix C to Part 26—DBE Business Development Program Guidelines
Appendix D to Part 26—Mentor-Protégé Program Guidelines
Appendix E to Part 26—Individual Determinations of Social and Economic Disadvantage
Appendix F to Part 26—Uniform Certification Application Form